Information on what your pup can and cannot eat as well as lots of treats! Plus our ReciPaws section - healthy and easy dog food recipes
The pawfect banana bread for dogs - lower fat and sugar than when us hoomans indulge, all natural and easy to make. Your dog will go bananas for it!
If you fancy giving your dog a little something sweet then try this super easy banana peanut butter dog biscuits recipe - they're sure to find them pawsome.
A quick and easy 4 ingredient peanut butter and banana dog treat recipe you can try at home - it's delicious and nutritious and perfect for cooling down!
Crispy bacon, bananas and honey go into these easy, delicious, bacon bites dog treats that you'll be wanting to have a cheeky taste of too! Try them out today.
A delicious and easy to make dog friendly almond and berry cake recipe perfect for dog birthdays, borrow-a-versaries, gotcha days and other special occasions.
These home made blueberry dog treats include oats, honey and fruit for a healthy and easy homemade crunch. Try them out on your favourite dog.
Blueberry and chicken might not be the first things that you think of to put in pies for hoomans, but it's perfect in pawsome pies for dogs.
A yummy blueberry dog biscuit recipe you can make at home, for dogs that deserve a tasty treat. With reduced fat and sugar from hooman recipes.
Who knew that cupcakes could be healthy? You might not enjoy them as much, but your favourite pup will love this carrot cake for dogs.
Cheesy biscuits? Don't keep them all to yourself, make parsley and cheese dog biscuits for your favourite pup to let them know how much you care.
It's time to up your dog baking, why not try this illusion bake - this dog friendly muffin recipe looks just like ice creams!
Let your dog friend know how much they mean to you with these cute heart shaped dog treats. Made pink with raspberries, and delicious with chicken and rosemary.
Giving your dog a safe Christmas treat can be tough. So why not treat your pooch to a delicious festive dognog, designed specially for them?
Instead of sharing scraps from your own plate this Xmas, treat your Santa Paws to a festive and healthy Christmas dinner for dogs.
Our Christmas tree cranberry dog treats are really easy to make and your BFF will absowoofly love them. Bake them today!
These dog doughnuts make the perfect treat for your pup while you're snaffling a sugar encrusted, much more calorific hooman version.
Have fun decorating this easy coconut and berry canine cakes for your favourite dog to celebrate their birthday, borrow-a-versary, or any special occasion.
Ever wondered how to get your dog to eat their vegetables? Try this green bean dog treats recipaw to get them eager to snaffle every last one.
Carrots and peanut butter are among the ingredients in our all-natural and healthy dog birthday cake. Why not spoil your dog with it on their special day?
All natural and healthy fruit smoothie for dogs. Quick and simple to make and the perfect treat on a summer's day. Try it out this summer!
Try our dog kong recipes. They’ll spend ages entertaining themselves and licking up every last bit of the peanut butter or whipped cream.
Looking for a way to safety include your favourite pup in the Christmas fun? Try this healthy and easy doggy candy cane recipe.
The pawfect fishy treat for your dog - they'll love this special, healthy and delicious protein filled dish with two types of fish, egg, peas and mashed potato.
Meaty jelly! What pup could resist this doggy jelly recipe with their favourite crunchy bits in the middle. A super summer treat for your favourite pooch.
If pizza is your favourite thing then you won't want to leave your top dog out of the fun. Try pizza pretzels for dogs this summer.
A doggy cheesecake recipe that your pup will love - it makes for a great, and easy, birthday cake or borrow-a-versary cake to celebrate special moments!
A collection of Easter dog treats recipes for you - will you choose the bunnies or the dog friendly pink Easter eggs for your pooch?
If you don't want your furry friend to miss out, then we’ve got an apple pie for dogs recipe for you to try - it’s a great treat for those colder months!
Liver is a good source of protein, vitamin A, and good fatty acids and dogs LOVE it. Why not treat your pup today by making them this liver cake for dogs?
Frozen yoghurt dog treats are an easy and refreshing Summer dog treat to cool your pup when it's hot outside - complete with tuna!
No need to leave your pup out of the food festivities at Christmas - Try our healthy and easy Christmas gingerbread dog biscuits recipe, they'll love it!
Whether you count the days until pumpkin spice lattes return or you love a classic hot chocolate, you can now share your favourite with your dog!
Tired of baking but want to make some tasty treats for your pup? These no bake peanut butter oat treats are the pawfect thing for you, they're full of goodness.
The natural, easy Autumnal treat for your perfect pup. Apple, oats, cinnamon, coconut oil and honey go into these delicious oatmeal and apple dog biscuits.
Don't leave your furry friend out this Spring! Try our healthy and easy dog friendly pancake recipes so they can join in on the fun!
Just two ingredients go into the pawfect apple and peanut butter balls for your dog. A fun, easy and delicious way to serve fruit to your favourite pooch.
Did you know that November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month? Your dog can enjoy peanut butter dog treats too (make sure it's xylitol free)!
Peanut butter is many a dog's favourite treat so why not make these healthy and easy homemade peanut butter cookies for dogs.
Mmm, pie - why keep it all to yourself when you could make a dog-friendly peanut butter pie to share with your furry friend?
A classic pineapple upside down cake recipe that is dog friendly, with reduced sugar and fat and all dog-safe ingredients it will get their tails wagging!
Happy Howl-oween! Here's a dog-friendly bite sized chicken, blueberry and pumpkin doughnuts recipe that gives your dog a special treat (no tricks) this autumn.
These pumpkin and yoghurt dog treats make a healthy cold snack for your favourite pup. Quick and easy to make using the mould of your choice.
Pumpkin pupcakes are the pawfect Halloween treat for your dog to involve them in the fun. Pumpkin is a firm favourite in the recipaws kitchen.
Whip up these pumpkin and peanut butter pupcakes to celebrate any special occasion with your favourite dog. They're fun to decorate too so get creative.
Refreshing pupsicle recipes. These frozen goodies will help to cool your pup on a hot day and have all natural dog-friendly ingredients in them too.
This beefy rice pudding for dogs might not be what you'd expect for dessert, but your pup will love it. It makes a pawfect winter warmer.
An alternative to expensive store bought dog chews, this sweet potato dog chew toy is all natural and healthy to boot and will keep your dog entertained.
Sweet potato and apple bread is a tasty dog friendly recipe - not only healthy but yummy too! Try out this recipaw today.
Let's celebrate with our American friends! These sweet potato dog biscuits are a delicious Thanksgiving treat for your dog, with our favourite doggy super food.
Does your dog always eye up your tuna sandwich? Here's a tuna loaf for dogs recipe that's quick and easy to make to give them a special treat with no nasties.
Turkey and peanut butter are many dogs' favourite things. This turkey dog treats recipaw for bite size treats for your dog, which are great for training!
Beetroot powder turns these Valentine dog treats pink! They're all natural, healthy and easy to make to include your pup in your Valentine's Day celebrations.
Nothing beats a sweet, refreshing, ice-cold treat during the summer months. We think both you and your pooch will love these ice pops for dogs.