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A fluffy, cute dog sits next to a plate of Cheese and Parsley Biscuits waiting to put one to the taste test!

Cheese & Parsley Doggy Biscuits

14 August 2022

Reviewed by Dr Jill McMaster BVM&S MBA MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon and in-house expert at BorrowMyDoggy on 13 June 2023

Biscuits are an all time favourite for humans and dogs alike. So why not whip up these easy, 4 ingredient biscuit treats? It means your furry friend won’t miss out on your afternoon tea break and, guess what, they’re human friendly too!


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  • 5 g or ¼ cup chopped fresh curly parsley
  • 60g or ½ cup grated cheese
  • 120ml milk
  • 110g brown rice flour


1. Preheat the oven to 180℃ (160℃ for fan-assisted oven).

2. In a bowl mix the dry ingredients together.

3. Add the milk and mix until a dough starts to form.

4. Dust your surface with some flour.

5. Knead your dough together.

6. Using your hands or a rolling pin flatten your dough to your desired thickness.

7. Using a cutter cut your dough and place on a greased baking tray.

8. Continue to roll out and cut your dough.

9. Bake in the oven for 10-15 mins or until lightly browned around the edges.

10. Cool before handing them to your pup.

Note: If you’re making some for humans we recommend adding more cheese, using less parsley and adding a bit more seasoning… Believe us, we tried!

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If you suspect your doggy is lactose intolerant we recommend removing the cheese from the recipe or choosing another recipaws. Make sure to only use curly parsley, and it should only be given in moderation. Some studies also show that pregnant dogs can go into early labour with too much parsley, so we'd avoid this recipe if your pooch is in pup.

Make sure to always adjust your dog’s daily food allowance so they don’t gain weight while enjoying their delicious new snacks.

Any new food should be added gradually to your dog's diet so they don't get a poorly tummy. Avoid giving your dog any foods that they are allergic or intolerant to, or if advised against by your vet.

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