Information on what your pup can and cannot eat as well as lots of treats! Plus our ReciPaws section - healthy and easy dog food recipes
Discover healthy and easy homemade dog treats and food recipes with ReciPaws from BorrowMyDoggy. Explore our delicious ReciPaw library today!
Which food should you be encouraging your pup to eat? We give you our top five healthy, natural beneficial food ingredients to incorporate into your dog's diet.
Are you looking for the best diet dog food that is healthy and delicious? Here are some of the top options available.
There can be lots of Christmas foods your dog will be keen to taste test for you, but find out which of these foods are harmful to your pooch.
Keep your doggy’s teeth healthy with dental dog food! Our guide shows you the best dog food to keep your furry friend's teeth in tip-top shape.
Are you wondering what effect feeding your dog table scraps can have on their weight and health? With the doggy treat translator, our human food equivalent chart, you can find out!
Sometimes those puppy dog eyes get the best of all of us. Here's a helpful infographic showing common foods your dog can and can't eat so you know what you can share with them.
Does your dog eat supaw fast? To keep them healthy it’s impawtent to try and slow them down. So here are some top tips on helping your pooch that eats too quickly.
We as humans often say we are what we eat, so surely this applies to our four legged friends too. Does a healthier diet help your dog live longer? For that matter, what is a healthy diet?
Dogs and BBQs seem to go hand in hand, but is it really safe to share your barbecue with your pup? Find out if some of those foods are okay for dogs and discover our doggy menu!
Top tips on what you should and shouldn’t feed your dog from Sean McCormack, Head Vet at
Treat your pup with a puppuccino! Pawfect for hot summer days or just as a fun treat, give your pup a refreshing break and bring him the joy of a pup cup today.
Knowing what to feed your new puppy can be really challenging! But here’s some top tips on how to feed your new furiend and puppy food products you can check out.
Make sure your pup stays trim and healthy with low fat dry dog food. Discover the best products available in the UK and why they're good for a doggy weight loss diet and overall health.
Older dogs may need to watch their weight. Find out which foods are best for weight loss in senior dogs and the healthiest diet changes to ensure they stay healthy and happy.
The question every dog owner is faced with: what should you feed your dog? We talk you through the many options and how you can choose the best dog food for your furry friend!