Written and reviewed by Dr Jill McMaster BVM&S MBA MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon and in-house expert at BorrowMyDoggy
Is it bad if my dog eats fast?
How can I stop my dog eating so fast?
Our pick of slow feeder dog bowls
1. Pets at Home Anti-Gulp Dog Bowl
5. NORTHMATE Green Slow Dog Feeder
Why does my dog eat so fast?
Some dogs can eat quickly simply because they’re really hungry. So check the food they’re getting, make sure they’re getting enough and also check they are up to date on worming treatments etc. If you are worried, then a chat with your vet can help, as some super hungry dogs can be struggling to absorb their food properly or have other underlying health issues.
When it comes to puppies, It’s not abnormal for a pup in a new home to eat their food quickly, without any underlying health reasons. They usually do it because they’re used to the competition of littermates, and they think if they don’t eat super fast, then someone else will swoop in and take it. After a wee while though, a lot of dogs realise that they don’t have the same competition they used to, and mealtimes are a little less of a race. But not all dogs, some of them keep eating like they’ve never seen dinner before! With these dogs there might not be a medical reason for being fast eaters and it can just be a habit that they’ve not grown out of, and this is the most common reason for your dog to be speedy to finish their food.

Is it bad if my dog eats fast?
Having your pooch finish their meal before you head out can be useful so that you know they’ve got a nice full tummy to start the day. But if they’re clearing the bowl in seconds, then they can be at risk of a few issues. Firstly, they can choke on their food, as often they’re not making time for taking a breath or chewing their food properly. Fast eaters can regurgitate their food straight back up too, which isn’t nice for them or us. Speedy eating can also cause your pup to swallow a lot of air, which can make them gassy, or cause them to bloat and get a twisted stomach, which is a veterinary emergency! So all in all, it’s impawtant to make sure that our dogs don’t eat too fast.
How can I stop my dog eating so fast?
Some people find that giving their dog bigger sized kibbles can slow them down as it makes them have to chew first. But if you try this, always make sure to watch them closely, in case they don’t realise and just try and swallow the bigger bites whole! Another option is to split their meals into three, so that they’re not getting over-hungry waiting for dinner time. Or you could try a slow-feeder. There are a lot of great slow feeding solutions you can buy or make yourself, which can help your dog take their time over meals.

Our pick of slow feeder dog bowls
There’s lots of different slow feeders available, so here’s a selection of some of them:
1. Pets at Home Anti-Gulp Dog Bowl
Price: £9.00 find it here
What we love:
- The shapes inside the bowl stop your pup from eating everything in one go
- Can be used for water as well as food
Best For:
- Larger dogs
- Most users find it quite sturdy, which is ideal for enthusiastic pups
2. Nina Ottosson
Price: £30.85 find it here
What we love:
- As well as slowing your pup’s eating, they can enjoy some mental stimulation too
- Easy to clean
Best For:
- Pooches that enjoy a game
- Dogs that eat dry food
3. LickiMat SlowMo
Price: £12.99 find it here
What we love:
- Encourages your dog to take their time to slowly eat their meal
- Can be put in the dishwasher to wash
Best for:
- Dogs that eat wet food or small bite dry food
- Making frozen treats for hot days
4. Ruffle Snuffle Magic
Price: £24.99 find it here
What we love:
- As well as getting their dinner, this will stimulate your pup’s senses too
- Washable
Best for:
- Dogs that eat dry food
- Pooches that love being led by their nose
5. NORTHMATE Green Slow Dog Feeder
Price: £20.99 find it here
What we love:
- Meal times can be made so much more fun
- Users say it really slows down how quick their pooch can finish their food
Best for:
- Works with both wet and dry food
- Any size of dogs, even bigger, strong pooches, as the plastic is pretty durable

And you don’t have to buy a slow-feeder for your dog, you can make one yourself, like putting dog kibble into our DIY Spin the Bottle toy.
A lot of dogs eat really fast, and to reduce the risk of health problems, it can be a great idea to slow them down! As long as there are no underlying medical reasons for them eating super quickly, there are lots of options to help your dog slow down with supper.
Read more in our article on how to train your dog to eat more slowly.
All prices are subject to change. This article is for information only, and should never replace any advice, diagnosis or treatment from your veterinary surgeon. Always contact your local vet or out of hours vet without delay if you have any concerns about your dog.