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Dogs of BorrowMyDoggy

Explore happy experiences shared by BorrowMyDoggy members. Join our community and be a part of heartwarming dog stories.

Aggie and her borrower Deborah

Aggie and her borrower Deborah

Deborah shares her story about making friends and finding the best dog care through BorrowMyDoggy instead of using kennels or walkers.

Alfie and his borrower Ellen

Alfie and his borrower Ellen

Ellen shares how borrowing Alfie helped her to find her way back to recovery from depression.

Buschka & Ellen

Buschka & Ellen

Alex, Lex & Sara's testimonials

Chris & Suze - BorrowMyDoggy Ambassadors

Chris & Suze - BorrowMyDoggy Ambassadors

What is like to borrow a dog? BorrowMyDoggy borrowers and ambassadors, Chris and Suze, share their experience with us

Dogs for Depression | Amazing Stories

Dogs for Depression | Amazing Stories

Nothing makes us smile more at BorrowMyDoggy HQ than hearing members happy stories.

Rose and Winter

Rose and Winter

This testimonial is from Rose, who has not only been a member for 7 years but has been part of the BorrowMyDoggy team for over 2 years.